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Financial reports

·>INTERIM REPORT 2023 2023/9/22
·>ANNUAL REPORT 2022 2023/4/25
·>INTERIM REPORT 2022 2022/9/26
·>ANNUAL REPORT 2021 2022/4/28
·>INTERIM REPORT 2021 2021/9/30
·>Annual Report 2020 2021/4/21
·>Interim Report 2020 2020/9/30
·>Annual Report 2019 2020/5/12
·>Interim Report 2019 2019/9/30
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Company address: Building 4, Section 5, 188 Western Road of South Loop 4, ABP Area, Fengtai District, Beijing, PRC, 100070
Tel:0086-10-63701616  Fax:0086-10-63701860
Copyright: China Risun Coal Chemicals Group Limited