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Through over two decades of business, China Risun Group Limited has developed from one single company to a group of companies. We adhere to the vertical integrated management approach and development approach and stick to Risun characteristic’s strategic goal of achieving continuous innovation and steady improvements. Currently, we have set up production bases in Xingtai, Dingzhou, Laoting and Cangzhou and our business consists of coke, chemicals, trading, operation management and technology output services.

Our success is attributable to deep concern of governments and leaders at all levels, the recognition and support of our shareholders and the society, and the joint efforts and endeavors of all employees. The development of Risun is inseparable from the support of the vast number of its customers and business partners. Risun will continue to uphold the philosophy of “customer-centric and creating value for customers” and achieve win-win development with members of the industry.

We are determined to take into account of macro environment of national development when considering our own development. We trust the Party, the Government and the Country. We believe that China's economy will continue to prosper and develop and that China's traditional culture and macro environment are favorable for the establishment of outstanding enterprises with distinctive culture. We take the initiative to assume historical and social responsibilities and pursue the coordination between national development and enterprises development.

We uphold the corporate mission of “creating wealth and living perfect lives” and the corporate spirit of “making every effort, working with perseverance, never stop growing, resolutely fighting for the goal” withdiligence, open mind, independent thinking, practical and consistent attitude. Based on the actual development of China’s economy, we will seek technological innovation and independent research and development to foster industrial development and informatization, and act as the driving force for the development of high-end chemicals and high-tech industries.

Our vision is to be “the world’s leading energy chemical company” and this is the motivation for our innovation. Through "adjustment, exploration, transformation, and upgrading" in all aspects, we have enhanced our position in the national and global industrial chain and value chain, and made due contributions to the accelerating transformation of national economy and promoting its healthy and sustainable development!

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Company address: Building 4, Section 5, 188 Western Road of South Loop 4, ABP Area, Fengtai District, Beijing, PRC, 100070
Tel:0086-10-63701616  Fax:0086-10-63701860
Copyright: China Risun Coal Chemicals Group Limited