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China Risun Group Limited (“China Risun”) was founded in 1995with its headquarter in Beijing. Through 23 years of efforts, it has developed in to a large corporate group with coordinated development of its business segments including coke, chemicals, trading, operation management and technology output services. It has production bases in Xingtai, Dingzhou, Tangshan and Cangzhou.

—       The largest independent producer and supplier of coke in the world

—       The largest crude benzene processor in the world

—       The largest producer of coke-oven-gas-based methanol in China

—       The largest producer of industrial-naphthalene-based phthalic anhydride in China

—       The fifth largest coal tar processor in the world

Starting with coke business, through technological innovation, we have established three industrial chains, namely carbon material chemicals industrial chain,aromatic chemicals industrial chain and alcohol-ether chemicals, and 28 production lines to produce 49 kinds of products in four main categories.

—       four coke and coking chemical production lines

—       six carbon material chemical production lines

—       five alcohol-ether chemical production lines

—       six aromatic chemical production lines

—       four coke and coking chemical production lines of CNC Risun Coking, our joint venture

—       one alcohol-ether chemical production line ofJinniu Risun Chemicals, our associate

—       one carbon material chemical production line of Cabot Risun Chemicals, our associate

Risun has a production capacity of 7.84 million tons of coke and coking chemicals, 0.72 million tons of carbon material chemicals, 0.86 million tons of alcohol-ether chemicals and 0.70 million tons of aromatic chemicals.

Among which, Risun itself owns the production capacity of 3.92 million tons of coke and coking chemicals, 0.59 million tons of carbon material chemicals, 0.60 million tons of alcohol-ether chemicals and 0.70 million tons of aromatic chemicals.

CNC Risun Coking, our joint venture, owns the production capacity of

3.92 million and 60,000 tons of alcohol-ether chemicals.

Jinniu Risun Chemicals and Cabot Risun Chemicals, our associates, own the production capacity of 0.20 million tons of alcohol-ether chemicals and 0.13 million tons of carbon material chemicals, respectively.

Risum is dedicated to the research, development and innovation of new products, new techniques and green technologies and has acquired a number of scientific research findings. It has a series of independent intellectual property rights which enhance its competitiveness and obtained 65 registered patents, 17 of which are related to environmental protection.

The Company has maintained long-term and close relationships with our major customers and suppliers and established a stable sales network and raw material supplies covering most of the provinces in China, which enable it to keep abreast of the latest business operations and production status of customers, grasp market trends and reduce business risks. It has set up sales offices in Rizhao Port and Dongjiakou Port and branch offices in Hong Kong and Shanghai and has been building marketing networks across Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and Korea.

The Company is committed to safe, green and low-carbon development and intensively promote energy conservation and emission reduction. It insists on technological research and development and innovation, develop cyclic economy, upgrade traditional industry with advanced manufacturing standards, and bring about equipment intelligence + manufacturing intelligence + operational intelligence as well as high-quality, efficient, low-consumption, clean, flexible and safe production, so as to achieve automation, information, intelligence, flexibility, and ecologization in production, which will create new value for the traditional industry.

China Risun Group Limited is currently the vice president unit of China Coking Industry Association, the head unit of the market committee, the director unit of China Iron and Steel Association, a member unit of China Coal Industry Association, the director of China Petroleum & Chemical Industry Federation, the vice-president unit ofMetallurgical Business Association, the president unit of Hebei Coking and Chemical Industry Association, the vice-president unit of Hebei Province Metallurgical Industry Association and the vice-president unit of Hebei Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association.

Mr. Yang Xuegang is a deputy to the 11thand 12thNPC, the vice-president of China Coking Industry Association and the president of Hebei Coking and Chemical Industry Association.

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Company address: Building 4, Section 5, 188 Western Road of South Loop 4, ABP Area, Fengtai District, Beijing, PRC, 100070
Tel:0086-10-63701616  Fax:0086-10-63701860
Copyright: China Risun Coal Chemicals Group Limited